Yes, this was the hubby's response to "Sunday Pictures"....ha ha! It's his favorite time of the week.....and if you believe that one, I have a swamp to sell ya! Anywhooooo....we did get some good shots this week! We even changed it up and moved to another room...ha ha! Joel was ignoring us and still sitting at the computer, so we took some of ourselves....pretty cute if you ask me!!
Ahhh, that's better, you can see Bodie's little face! Love his expression.....he's putting up with us...but not for long!
Okay....Mom and Sissy...I'm about to get over this!
But could you just die over his little face????? I love this baby boy and my baby girl!
Now it's silly time!
Papa bear and Mama bear!
Love her....she's such a good girl!
She loves her baby brother so much....
Bodie decided that picture time was over at this point....he kept trying to give Daddy kisses, but wouldn't hold it long enough....ha ha!
Daddy and his mini-me!
I really feel so blessed that I have been given these beautiful kiddos to raise. It's so unfortunate how many kids have selfish and absent parents....I can't imagine life without them....I'm so grateful that I have a "good mommy" gene! After all, isn't that what life should be about?
Looking forward to next week's Sunday Pics...we'll have ALL our family back together!