Thursday, August 28, 2008

Fall kick-off is almost here!!

Here is my newest fall addition! I totally got a steal on this little I just have to have a reason to use it! Ha Ha. I think looking at this every day has pushed me into my "autumn" mode a little early this year...but, really....who cares??? It feels like fall here, I'm going for it...Joel doesn't know it yet...but, he'll be pulling down the plastic tote boxes from the attic this weekend!! I'm sure he'll be thrilled! It's a good thing he loves me so much!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First day of 5th grade and a little house guest!

Things are getting back to normal around our house....Saige arrived last Thursday and she started school yesterday! Not much time to get over the jet lag...but, she's been a trooper. She also came home to a little house guest....Mr. Jack, a little yorkie that we dog-sat for about 5 days. She had fun playing with him and didn't mind taking him out all day! Joel and I weren't that sad when he went home...but, it was fun having him around for a few days!

Two little cuties...

Saige the caretaker!

Joel's favorite thing to do!! Not really, we all crashed after picking Saige up at the airport at 5 in the morning...UGH! Jack decided he needed a nap too.

Then he decided it looked a little more cozy over on Saige's couch!

Saige on her first day of 5th grade and Middle school...I was able to go with her to most of her classes and she is super excited...she can barely sleep! This picture was taken after school as her mom is totally lame and forgot to take one before we left for the day! She still looks cute after her long exciting day!!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

I love my house....

One of my favorite things about living in Germany is our great house! I have so much fun decorating and making it cozy. Fall is in the air and I don't think I will make it until September 1st to pull out all my fall decorations!! We just planted the mums and I love how they look.
Here is a new sign for our front people will know they are at the right place!!

A view from the street.
Our front yard! So much and fun...and so much work!!!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Ward Party....

We had a ward party at our house this Saturday and had an absolute blast! The weather was beautiful (for a change) and everyone seemed to enjoy socializing with each other and not having to worry about running after their kids too much! This was an elder's quorum party and they really did an awesome job....the kids even got a huge bouncy castle to play in. Here are a few pictures from the par-tay......

This is Steven....Joel's little buddy from church.
I could totally kidnap this little boy and call him my own! I could play with his hair ALL day!

One of our "cutest" party attendees!! Isn't she adorable???

Let the games begin...this was the first game...and believe me, people were NOT lining up to volunteer for this one!! Do you see Joel in the background hiding?? I had a hard time taking these pictures, I was laughing so hard!

Angie's (pink shirt) strategy was to get down low!

Get ready, get set, GOOOOOOOO!

Too funny!

The next game involved whip cream and gum....don't they all look so excited????
They had to get their piece of gum from under the whip cream and the first person to blow the bubble won...

Much harder than it looks :0)

I'm not sure who won...I was laughing again! Silly me!
I forgot to take a picture of all the food everyone brought....but, everyone outdid themselves and we had so much! The dessert table was AWESOME!
We had a great time...we really love our ward family and look forward to doing this again!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Birthday Boy!

My sweetheart turned 38 on August 7th! It took two boxes of candles, but he managed to blow them ALL out which is pretty remarkable with advanced age! Here is my Top Ten List of reasons I love this old guy....
1. He picks up after himself
2. He's a great cook!
3. He honors his priesthood
4. He honors his family
5. He's really, really, really funny!
6. He's an expert toenail painter
7. He uses Q-tips daily
8. He thinks I'm cute!
9. He's a great dad to our children
10. And finally....his face...who couldn't adore this face????
Happy Birthday Lovie.....I love you.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Summer with the boys....

So, the summer just flew by and our house is very empty now! Joel and I don't know what to do with ourselves...we really enjoyed our visit with the boys...unfortunately we didn't get many pictures...but, here are a few.
It was so nice to see Brannon's face!!

Can you say carrot top????? Why do the boys always get the curls?

Kyle in his new "skinny" jeans! I don't think he took them off while he was here!

Brannon rockin out to Jade's pink guitar! Doesn't it look great against Joel's alabaster legs??

Could have used a flash for this picture...but it was the best one we had for Joel and Kyle.

You can see one of Brannon's eyes! Whoo-hoo!

Kyle taking Brannon's pic in the car.

He's loving it!

And finally....Kyle sticking his face out the window....I don't think I want to ask how he got this picture!!!